Cabbage Salad

1 package Ramen noodles - dry uncooked, and crushed
1 small cabbage (or 1/2 large cabbage) - chopped
3 scallions - sliced
1 cup roasted sliced almonds
1 cup raisins
2-3 Tbsp. roasted sesame seed  (I've been skipping these lately 'cuz they don't seem 
                                to add much and also get stuck in your teeth...)

Flavor packet from noodles
2 Tbsp. vinegar
2 Tbsp. sugar
1/2 cup oil

Mix salad ingredients in large bowl.
Mix dressing well.
Before serving, toss dressing well into salad

Note - You can bake (toast) the sesame seeds and almonds together on a
       pan till slightly brown.  (I do it in a toaster oven.) Watch them
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